B.Eng students from Dar es salaam Institute of TechnologyB.Eng students from Dar es salaam Institute of Technology are on the site demonstration in courtesy of Geoprimosi Engineering Limited on how to carry out drilling and field tests, eg(Standard Penetration Test (SPT)- Millennium Tower Site - Kijitonyama - Dar es salaam - Tanzania
Tanzania Portland Cement Company Wazo HillGround investigation for the proposed Expansion of Tanzania Portland Cement Company Wazo Hill - Dar es salaam Tanzania
Mbamba bay Jetty for TPA- Ruvuma - Lake Nyansa - TanzaniaGround investigation for the proposed construction of Mbamba bay Jetty for TPA- Ruvuma - Lake Nyansa - Tanzania
New East Africa Community (EAC)HQ in Arusha - TanzaniaEAC-HQ in Arusha - Tanzania
New East Africa Community (EAC)HQ in Arusha - TanzaniaGround investiagtion for the proposed construction of New East Africa Community (EAC)HQ in Arusha - Tanzania
IMPROVEMENT OF LANDING FACILITY AT NANSIO PORT – LAKE VICTORIA -UKEREWA – MWANZARig been loaded onto the platform, after the platform
Improvement of Landing Facility at Nansio Port Lake VictoriaPerforming DPSH at a selected point on the lake
Off shore drillingpreparing core barrel for drilling
Burgeplatform for drilling at sea
Point set upSet up a drilling point so that a barge can be set on it
Casing Set upCasing are been put to prevent sea water from entering bore hole
Soil profileSoil sample laid down to see soil layer changes and logging
Mud pitThis box was design to help circulation fliud not be lost on sea
ConsultantsConsultnats leaving the site area after checking the progress of the work
Tulila water fallsSite area
HEP plansite plan
Access roadTemporary road to access the water falls
Rig set up
Prayer before work
SupervisorSite engineer on the left and geologist on the right
Bridge makingBuilding a temporary bridge so as the rig could go to the other bank
Crossing the bridge
DrillingDrilling on the other side of the river
Core samplecore samples obtained from the drilling programme
Profiling for carvitiesLimestone at the site had a lot of cavities
Dealing with water lossDue to cavities there was high water loss so additional water was supplied at the top of borehole
Drilling in progress
SupervisorSite supervisor on the left observing sample obtained
Drilling in progress
Drilling team exchanging ideas
Drilling in progress on tank s5
Drilling on tank s6
Performing DCP near tank s6
Drilling in progress
Team working on mud pit
Drilling on on BH 1
Performing DPSH
Torque measurement being taken after performing 1m penetration with DPSH
Drilling team setting up rig
Performing SPT test
Team perfoming SPT
Team receiving instruction from supervisor
Trenching to obtain block sample at a prescribed depth
Casing borehole with pvc pipe
Drill rig set up
Removing sample from core barrel
Packed and labeled core sample